Wednesday, July 2, 2008

World Congress on Magic Bullets, Nuremberg Germany, October 3-5, 2008

Dr. Nanyingi Mark a promising young scientist from Kenya continues with his exemplary indefatigable zeal to make impact on the global arena. He will be among scientists from 84 countries attending the this very special and prestigious conference that is organized by the Germany society pharmaceutical sciences in Nuremberg, Germany October 3-5, 2008. on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Paul Ehrlich. This conference aims at reviewing our knowledge on compounds that deserve or failed to receive the designation "MAGIC BULLET" and at discussing the reasons. having made significant contributions to drug research he will be privileged to showcase his data to many top scientists and have opportunity to take part in their superb workshops, listen to their plenary talks and also talk to them in "Meet the Professor - Sessions".
A snippet of Nanyingi's presentations include

1. In-vitro and In-vivo antiplasmodial efficacy of some Kenyan medicinal plants
2. Ethnopharmacological survey of Samburu district, Kenya (
Bioprospecting of novel herbal antimalarials in Kenya

Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi P.O Box 29053-00625 Nairobi Kenya

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